Tell Me What you’re Reading #6: Conversations at Marty’s Mercantile in West Shokan: our geological beginnings, Of Mice and Men and Moby Dick, dystopian tales and sobering memories of war.

Tell Me What you’re Reading #6: Conversations at Marty’s Mercantile in West Shokan: our geological beginnings, Of Mice and Men and Moby Dick, dystopian tales and sobering memories of war.

Our geological beginnings, Moby Dick and Of Mice and Men, dystopian tales and sobering memories of war.

My discussions in Episodes #1 - 5  were planned out. I did precalls with guests to find out what they were reading and what they would like to talk about on the podcast. I then read reviews of the books we were going to discuss, and a week or two later, we did the podcast, either in the Anchor podcast lab in New York City or in another quiet spot. I knew the books to be discussed, i had questions prepared and, for the most part, I had a plan for the discussion.

The discussions in Episode #6 are quite different. First, these discussions were  impromptu, no planning, no prep, no organization. Second, as you will hear, we did not go to a quiet spot. Most were recorded with the background noise of the diner or the restaurant where we had the discussion. Although you can add background music and sounds to a podcast on the Anchor app, all of the background in this episode is genuine.

The one similarity between this episode and all the prior episodes is that we offer an eclectic mix today as well.

One of the segments in this Episode refers to the Spotify playlist I created with the songs  he New York Times included in a list of the songs that soldiers in Vietnam listened to as they trekked through the jungle, which were many of the same songs that anti war protesters, many of the same age as those soldiers, listened to back in the states. Here iss my Vietnam Soundtrack.

What the crew at Marty’s Mercantile is reading . . .


Magician of the Gods, Graham Hancock

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Reviews Kirkus


Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck

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Review The New York Times

Moby Dick, Herman Melville

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Reviews The New York Times | How To Read Moby Dick

Dune, Frank Herbert

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Review The Guardian

Confessions of an Economic Hitman, John Perkins

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Review The Guardian

Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, Charles MacKay

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Reviews of The Wisdom of Crowds, James Surowiecki The Guardian

Guns, Germs and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies, Jared Diamond

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Review NPR

Victoria and Emily

The Prey, Tom Isbell

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Review Kirkus


The Pretties, Scott Westerfeld

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The Things They Carried, Tim O’Brien

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Reviews The New York Times | NPR

And more . . .

A Bright Shining Lie, Neil Sheehan

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Reviews The New York Times

Tree Of Smoke, Denis Johnson

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Review The New York Times

Perfect Spy: The Incredible Double Life of Pham Xuan An, Time Magazine Reporter and Vietnamese Communist Agent, Larry Berman

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Review Foreign Affairs

Vietnam War Books - Best of Lists

All Quiet on the Western Front, Erich Maria Remarque

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Reviews Smithsonian Magazine | The New York Time - movie review

Colder Than Hell: A Marine Rifle Company at Chosin Reservoir, Joseph R. Owen

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Review U.S. Naval Institute

Presidents of War, Michael Bechloss

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Review The New York Times

Tell Me What You’re Reading #7: conversation with Payton Turner of Girls At Library - Women’s anger and, sometimes, rage

Tell Me What You’re Reading #7: conversation with Payton Turner of Girls At Library - Women’s anger and, sometimes, rage

Tell Me What You’re Reading #5: Maya Prohovnik - a Stephen King “Superfan”! + Detective tales and Maya’s “favorite book of all time”, Adrian Tchaikovsky’s Children of Time.

Tell Me What You’re Reading #5: Maya Prohovnik - a Stephen King “Superfan”! + Detective tales and Maya’s “favorite book of all time”, Adrian Tchaikovsky’s Children of Time.